This "flipped" method originally was implemented to help absent students stay up-to-date with class material, but now allows teachers to redefine how they use their time in the classroom setting with all students.
According to chapter 10 in the class textbook, "During class time, students work with content in group or individual activities and with their teacher, clarifying and deepening content understanding. In this model, the teacher’s role changes from 'sage on the stage' to 'guide on the side'" (Lever-Duffy, McDonald, 2015, p.238).
Flipped Classroom Model
The skill I have acquired from working on both PowerPoint assignments was being able to use PowerPoint in a non-traditional way.
Before being assigned the first PowerPoint assignment, I have never made such a high quality PowerPoint before. I have always wondered where presenters would get cool layouts for PowerPoint presentations. But after completing the assignment I found a great deal of resources that helped me enhance my PowerPoint design.
Another skill I have acquired was converting the PowerPoint into a show. Before this assignment I have never used the speaker note section, and the majority of the points I needed to make were written word for word on the PowerPoint slide.
Recording my voice over the slides made understanding the PowerPoint more effective, and I will be using this feature from now on. I didn't like that I was having technical difficulties when attempting to record the slideshow from my Mac computer. I ended up having to complete the assignment on a different computer.
The skills I acquired in the second assignment was making an interactive game using PowerPoint. Before this assignment I didn't even know it was possible. It was a little difficult to put together but I enjoyed it a lot.
Have you ever had an experience with a flipped classroom? I had one teacher in high school implement it, and it did not work too well. I am curious to see if anyone else has had a different experience with the class model.
ReplyDeleteI had the same difficulties with my Mac! I only have access to the one computer though so I ended up submitting the file as a slightly different show file than the one she requested--but it seemed to work.