Monday, February 6, 2017

Post #3

The ELA technology standard that I feel most prepared to teach with my existing knowledge would be W/WHST.8 "Use Multiple Sources". 
I am confident in my ability to teach others about the use of multiple sources, because I have gained experience through writing hundreds of college-level papers, that required gathering relevant information pertaining to a topic, from credible sources such as peer-reviewed journals, articles, and books. 
On several occasions throughout my college career, librarians have been guest speakers in my classes, and taught students how to effectively research topics, take notes, paraphrase, and cite credible sources to avoid plagiarism. I believe that with all of the knowledge I have gained as well as my experience of writing college-level papers, I will be able to teach and pass this knowledge on to other students. 
The ELA technology standard that I feel would require more learning on my part would be SL.5 "Use Digital Media".
I believe that it easier for me to consume technology and its information, and more difficult to produce technology. For example, when producing information via technology using PowerPoint, I would most likely enhance my presentation using cool pictures from the internet. 
What I have noticed that I lack when adding cool pictures to my PowerPoint slides is that I rarely do so to clarify information or strengthen claims, but instead I use pictures for decoration.
Also, I wouldn't even know where to begin if I were asked to add an audio recording or music in the background of a presentation.

As a future educator, the technology/software that I would use with college students would be Weblogs.
Weblogs or blogs are "virtual online spaces that support the posting of personal commentary on the Web" (Lever-Duffy, McDonald, 2015, p.215). I would use Weblogs with my students to provide them with their personal web space to communicate in an interactive and creative way, as oppose to discussion boards (Lever-Duffy, 2015).
I believe that using Weblogs will be appropriate for college-level students, because it can be used as a networking tool to collaborate with other college students on group projects, in an interactive and expressive way through the designing of their blog page.
The digital citizen concepts that I would address with my students would be based on the guidelines of "students participating in the community in a meaningful, appropriate, and on topic way, that advances the the community as a whole" (Lever-Duffy, 2015).
I would like to address this particular guideline because it is important highlight two key points: 1) "think before posting and sharing to ensure that their contributions enhances the Web and its communities" (Lever-Duffy, McDonald, 2015, p.224) especially when making blogs that are visible to a wide audience.  2) "Remember that everything posted or shared may remain permanently available on the Web"(Lever-Duffy, 2015), in order to help students be mindful of the content of what they post and how it may effect them in the future.

One of the "open" terms that was used in the podcast was open content which is reused, remixed, and revised, and redistribute learning material that are downloadable resources for educational use. Open content is also closely related to copyright because it gives guidelines about how the learning material found on the internet can be used.
Open content may consist on any digital material such as pictures, videos, music, and audio recordings that are reusable due to the open license that is attached to the material. Open content also allows the consumer of material to be a secondary creator of the original material due to the open license that allows users to revise material without directly asking for permission from the original creator. Open Content

When working on the Newsletter Design assignment, a new skill that I have acquired was incorporating my newsletter with pictures that are Public Domain or available for public use without copyright issues.
What I liked about this assignment and my design specifically, was that I was able to personalize the newsletter by choosing which grade level I wanted the newsletter to cater to, as well as the subject. This allowed me to be creative with my design and made it easier to find pictures that related to a grade level and subject area.
What I do not like about the design is that I had limited space to add cool pictures on the second page of the newsletter. It was difficult to add pictures on page two because it mostly consisted of two original articles as well as the permission slip. Adding more pictures caused spacing issues, therefore, pictures were limited.
I could improve the design next time by organizing and minimizing the length of articles to provide more space for creative designs.
The skills I have learned when working on the Newsletter Design assignment are transferable to my future career, because I am now confident in designing newsletters that will be useful when communicating with college students, and connecting them to resources that are available on campus.